Germantown, MD Family Law Attorney
Maryland Child Custody & Support Lawyer
At The Law Offices of Jonathan J. Biedron, LLC, reasonable agreements and sound family court orders are what I strive to help my clients obtain. Education is an important part of the service I provide. I bring over three decades of family law experience to the table as I help my clients understand their options in custody and visitation matters, explaining how the court is likely to view their case, and describing possible strategies for achieving a desired child custody arrangement.
Contact my office to schedule an appointment. I offer a reduced-fee initial consultation, and most people leave with a much clearer understanding of their legal options and the potential consequences of the choices they are making now.
Child Support
Child support is typically awarded based upon the Maryland Child Support Guidelines, which use a number of variables, such as the parents’ incomes, the number of children, the percentage of time that the children reside with each parent, and certain child expenses such as daycare. If you have questions about how the Maryland Guidelines apply in your case, I will be happy to discuss them with you, and explain the range of monthly child support obligations that might result in your case.
Child Custody and Visitation
Child custody and visitation are certainly some the most emotionally difficult issues. One of the most valuable assets I bring to my clients is an objective viewpoint that enables me to help my clients examine their goals and the costs associated with achieving those goals (including the costs to your children).
There are two ways to decide child custody and support matters. First, as with a divorce separation agreement, a child custody agreement can be reached by a mutual decision of the parents. The other alternative is for a family law Judge or Magistrate, who doesn’t know you or your children, to issue a child custody order.
If a reasonable agreement that is in your children’s best interests is possible, you will save a lot of time and money, and I will work with you to arrive child custody and visitation arrangements that fit your unique family’s needs and goals. Unfortunately, all too often reasonable agreements are not possible. In such instances, I will not hesitate to take your case to court. I am an experienced trial lawyer and I will vigorously protect your interests and those of your children.
A number of court services are available in custody cases, including Best Interests Attorneys and Custody Evaluations. I use my experience to help clients decide what services, if any, are in their and their children’s best interests. I also prepare my clients before they take part in any Custody Evaluations or court-ordered Custody Mediation. I am an experienced negotiator who can help you develop a resolution that will work for you.
In our highly mobile society, relocation poses a significant problem for many separated parents. I am experienced in such matters and understand how courts tend to balance the impact of one parent moving away from or with the children against the often legitimate and necessary reasons for people to move.
I can help you with this often difficult issue. If you need help with a child relocation case, contact my office to schedule a consultation.
Seeking a Change in Child Custody
A change in child custody can be sought when there has been a material change in circumstances that affects the welfare of the children. The parent seeking the change bears the burden of proving that a change of custody is warranted and in a child’s best interest. As an experienced attorney in child custody modification cases, I have represented a number of clients who have obtained a change in custody by proving the other parent unfit, by proving that a child wanted the change, or by proving that a change of custody was clearly in the child’s best interest.
A necessary change in custody can be accomplished—with persistence and effort. Contact me to talk about how I may be able to help you seek a modification of child custody.